The Griffin GTB455 Turbine is becoming a favorite for TDI and smaller WVO conversions

Griffin GTB455 Turbine
The Griffin GTB455 Turbine is a great diesel filtration unit. It is the same diameter as the GTB228 (Racor 500) but flows twice as much (120 GPH /455 LPH). Being only 13″ tall, it is quickly becoming a favorite for TDI and smaller WVO conversions. While the elements are only available from Griffin and their distributors, a case of 12 is extremely affordable and will probably last you several years. The GTB455 was first used in the US by a logging equipment company that was having trouble with their John Deere equipment. The diesel supply was clogging the OEM filters on the logging equipment and allowing contaminants to pass to the injectors. Their only option was to change the elements every day or two. They installed the Griffin GTB455 as a pre-filter and now they can go a month or two between element changes. Click for details on the Griffin GTB455.

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